I was taking pictures of my daughters. A stranger thought I was exploiting them.

After my family arrives on the Cape May ferry for our annual vacation to the Jersey Shore, I take pictures of our two daughters on the ferry’s deck as we leave the harbor. I’ve been doing this since they were 3 and 4 years old. They are now 16 and 17. …

Totally engaged with the scene in front of me, I jumped when a man came up beside me and said to my daughters: “I would be remiss if I didn’t ask if you were okay.” Full Article

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“Homeland Security instructs Americans: ‘If you see something, say something.'”

Okay, I will: THIS GOVERNMENT SUCKS!!!! Enough is ENOUGH!!!

What idiot would exploit someone so brazenly in public? How stupid can onlookers be? People need to pull their heads out of their asses and actually observe what’s going on around them. Homeland security is an umbrella term for a handful of organizations which have been tasked with protecting national security. These government organizations overwhelmingly are a waste of time, money, and human potential.

When they NEED to profile, like at airports, they don’t. And when they don’t need to, they do.

Too bad about not getting that H.S. guy’s ID. If somoeone in plain clothes ever tells you they are some sort of cop or from H.S., make them present credentials. If they don’t, call the local cops to come check him out.

Heck, call the locals anyway. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know what a REAL H.S. ID looks like.

As the father of a biracial teenager who happens to be half Asian(my wife is Asian, I’m white), I can relate to this article all too well.

This was a very awkward and unpleasant exchange. I am no fan of the DoHS, but imagine the headlines had this father actually had been in the slave trade and really was taking pics for an ad on CL or Backpage?

This DoHS clown could have handled it a whole lot better and, as the author suggested, should have said something more trivial about getting the lighting right, or offering to get a shot of the group together, then gauge their reaction and demeanor from there.

@td777: I, too, have an Asian wife with two little ones between us, but I am glad to say I have never had an experience like this guy, knock on wood.

Homeland Security oversees many agencies, like the Department of Agriculture. It seems unlikely someone would identify themselves as being from Homeland Security, just as it would be unlikely for a Forest Service employee to identify themselves as being from the Department of Agriculture. Likely this guy was using a cover and was just up to no good. I wouldn’t have believed him, just like red flags appear when someone in street clothes comes to my door saying they’re doing a compliance check.